ESP8266 Programmer
Mit diesem Tool können lua Dateien auf einen ESP gespielt werden.
- Seriell
Beamer mit neuer Lokig bespielen
./ 10.23.xx.xx beamer_init.lua init.lua
Paanik wir können nur noch über die Serielle Schnittstelle mit dem ESP reden:
sudo ./ serial beamer_init.lua init.lua
#!/bin/bash DEVICE=/dev/ttyUSB0 SLEEPTIME=0.2 TCPPORT=2323 function usage() { echo "$0 usage:" echo "$0 serial|ip fileOnHost.lua (fileOnESP.lua)" echo "" echo "The flash logic can be done via ethernet or serial" echo "The first filename is mandatory!" echo "" echo "The second filename is the filename on the LUA devic." echo "" echo "Example:" echo -e "$0 serial hello.txt\tSends the content of hello.txt to the ESP (directly as if you type it)" echo -e "$0 serial init_example.lua init.lua\tUpdates the init.lua on the ESP" echo " (The init.lua file is executed each time, the ESP starts)" exit 1 } case "$1" in serial) IP="" if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as root" exit 1 fi ;; *) if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]];then IP=$1 else usage fi esac if [ ! -f $2 ]; then usage fi if [ $IP != "" ]; then echo "Using network: $IP " echo "Checking connection ..." ping -c 3 $IP >> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Cannot find ESP at $IP" exit 1 fi DEVICE=/dev/tcp/$IP/$TCPPORT fi # The flashing logic if [ "$3" == "" ]; then echo "Sending to shell..." cat $2 | while read a; do echo -e "$a\r" >> $DEVICE; echo -e "$a"; sleep $SLEEPTIME; done else echo "Writing $3 on the ESP" echo "=========================" echo "" >> $DEVICE; sleep $SLEEPTIME echo "\"$3\",\"w\")" >> $DEVICE; sleep $SLEEPTIME cat $2 | while read a; do echo "file.writeline([[${a}]])" >> $DEVICE; echo -e "\r" >> $DEVICE; echo "$a"; sleep $SLEEPTIME; done # Close the init file echo "file.close()" >> $DEVICE; sleep $SLEEPTIME echo "=========================" echo "now login on ESP and call" echo "node.restart()" fi